Creating Queues and Tasks

  • Updated

Advanced Task Management allows admins to set up queues that automatically generate tasks based on specific Filevine project criteria or taskflow sequences. Admins can configure these queues to ensure tasks are efficiently assigned and completed without manual intervention.

Key features of Advanced Task Management queues include:

  • Task Attributes: Admins can assign priority levels, set due dates, and provide detailed guidance for task resolution. Tasks can also be assigned as actions, documents or forms.
  • Automated Assignment: Tasks are assigned to users based on labels that match the skills or capabilities required for each task.
  • Escalation Queues: Handle overdue tasks by redirecting them to dedicated escalation queues.

Creating a New Queue

1. In the Navigation, select Task Manager > Queues.

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2. Click + Add Queue to open the Queue Editor.

Setting Queue Details

In the Queue Details section, complete the following fields:

  1. Escalation Queue: Use the toggle switch to create an Escalation Queue and direct overdue tasks here. 

    • Escalation queues do not generate tasks, it only receives tasks from standard queues.

    • When Escalation Queue is enabled, the following sections will be disabled: Triggered By, Task Summary, Task Instructions, Task Type.

  2. Assignee Level: Default to Projects for assigning tasks within projects.
    NOTE: "User" option will be available soon.
  3. Queue Name: Enter a descriptive name (e.g., "Evidence Preparation in Immigration Cases").
  4. Queue Description: Provide a clear explanation of the queue's purpose and outcomes for internal reference (e.g, "Tasks for preparing evidence in the 'Gathering Evidence' phase of immigration cases").
  5. Queue Labels: Assign labels that define the skills or unique identifiers needed to resolve tasks in this queue. Only users with all assigned labels will be eligible for the queue.
  6. Manual Assignment: Enable the queue for users to manually claim tasks from an inventory. Disable Manual Assignment to use the default setting for automatic assignment based off of user labels, priority, timing, and other parameters.

  7. Advanced Priority: Enable to set a numeric priority scale (0-100). Disable to use a dropdown with basic default priorities: Low, Medium, High, Urgent.

  8. Add Queue to Process: Enable to add the new queue to existing processes.
    NOTE:  Queues can be added to processes at a later time by following the steps in this article: Creating a Process for Queues

Setting Task Details

In the Task Details section, complete the following fields:

  1. Task Type: 
    • Required Action: Tasks requiring specific actions (e.g., "Make a phone call to complete a client's intake").
    • Document: Tasks requiring document collection/upload.
    • Form: Tasks requiring filling out a form, which updates the corresponding fields in Filevine.
  2. Task Summary: Provide a concise task overview.
  3. Task Instruction: Enter the detailed instructions the user must follow to complete the task.
  4. Maximum Snooze Time: Specify a number to indicate the maximum number of hours the user can postpone the task.
  5. Due Date: Enter an integer number to set how many days after the creation day the task will be due.
  6. Escalation: Enable this toggle to redirect overdue tasks to an escalation queue, selected from the dropdown field. When the Escalation is toggled off, the tasks will not be escalated to another queue once its due date is reached.

Creating Form Tasks

When the Task Type: Form is selected, the Link Existing Form section appears at the bottom of the page. Follow these steps to link a form to the task:

1. Click the Link Existing Form section to view its details.

2. Use the dropdown menu to select the Form to include in the task.

3. Once a Form is selected, its Description will be displayed.

NOTE: The forms listed in the Form Name dropdown correspond to the existing forms with the Form Type “ATM Form”. These can be found navigating to Admin> Neodeluxe Portal > Portal Forms.

Setting Queue Triggers

In the Triggered By section, Admins can select how the queue will be triggered: By Criteria or by Tasks. 

NOTE: If the queue is an Escalation Queue, the Triggered By section does not appear.

Queues Triggered by Criteria

Queues triggered by criteria allow Admins to define one ore more entry and exit criteria based on Fileivne project conditions. When the criteria are met, a task is generated in the queue and becomes available for the users with the matching labels. 

1. In the Triggered By section, select the Criteria button to define the Project criteria to trigger the task assignment.

2. Complete the following initial fields: 

  • Copy criteria from: Select an existing queue name to copy all trigger criteria.
    • Clear copied criteria: Click this button to clear all the populated criteria fields that were copied.
  • Criteria data source*: Select the data sources to use when defining entry and exit criteria. You can choose from Filevine and/or Vineportal (Neodeluxe).
  • Project Type*: Choose the project template for which this queue will apply. This Project Type will also supply the variables for the criteria.

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Setting Entry and Exit Criteria

Entry Criteria

Entry criteria determine when the queue tasks will begin to be generated. To set the entry criteria:

1. From the dropdown, select the Data Source* from which the entry conditions will be evaluated. The available data sources will be based on your selected Criteria data source above.

2. Choose the Variable* to evaluate. 
NOTE: When only Vineportal is selected in the Data Source* field, only the Project Phase variable will be allowed.

3. Select an Operator* for the condition, including:

  • Equals
  • Not Equal To
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to

4. Input the Value* that will the Project variable must meet to activate the trigger.

  • Depending on the selected Variable and Operator, a Value might not be required. For example, if the Operator Is Empty, no Value is needed.
  • The Operator* list will be displayed based on the selection in the Variable* type field.
  • If the selected Variable* is a dropdown type field, the possible Values for selection are the corresponding dropdown options.

5. If more than one condition is needed, click +Add Condition to create additional conditions within the same criterion. Each criterion may consist of multiple conditions combined with AND logic (i.e., all conditions must be satisfied by the project).

NOTE: Ensure the logic for criteria combinations is correctly implemented. For instance, if two mutually exclusive conditions are defined—such as “Initial Date > 2023” AND “Initial Date < 2022”—no projects will be added to the Flow, as no project can meet both conditions simultaneously.

To create separate criteria with OR logic (i.e., any of the criteria can be satisfied), click Add Criterion.

Example:If the project queue needs to generate tasks related to gathering of evidence in “Motor Vehicle Collisions”, when the Project Phase is “Gathering Evidence”, the entry criteria might look like this:

  • Data Source: Vineportal
  • Variable: Project Phase
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Gathering Evidence


  • Data Source: Filevine
  • Variable: Intake - Case Type 
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Motor Vehicle Collision

Exit Criteria

Exit Criteria determine when a project unenrolls from a flow. Setting exit criteria follows the same steps as entry criteria outlined above.

Example: If the project queue needs to stop generating tasks related to gathering of evidence for the project when the project phase is completed, the exit criteria could look like this:

  • Data Source: Vineportal
  • Variable: Project Phase
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Completed

Important Notes on Entry & Exit Criteria

AND vs. OR Logic

  • Conditions within a criterion are evaluated with AND logic, which means all must be true (Condition 1 AND Condition 2… AND Condition N).
  • Separate criteria are evaluated with OR logic, meaning any one criterion being true will trigger entry/exit (e.g., Criterion 1 OR Criterion 2… OR Criterion N)

Removing Criteria

You can remove a criterion by clicking the trash icon, but Entry and Exit sections must have at least one criterion.


Neodeluxe (Vineportal) uses variables within a data source for each tenant (Data Source Schema). These variables contain real-time values. When any of these variables change or are influenced by an event—such as the completion of a task or a synchronization process—these modifications will be reflected in the corresponding flows.

If the selected Variable* is a dropdown type field, the possible values for selection are the corresponding field options. When your dropdown values are not properly displayed in the Value* field, please visit Why Can’t I See Dropdown Field Values When Setting Queue Criteria?

Queue Criteria Restrictions

Date Field Types are supported. It appears as two options in the Criterion:

  • Absolute Date
  • Relative Date

The following field types are not supported when the Flow Entry and Exit Criteria are configured:

  • Project Link
  • Project Link List
  • URL
  • URL List
  • Person
  • Person List
  • File Attachment
  • Multiple File Attachment (List)
  • Deadline (With reminders)
  • Text - Single line list
  • Text - Multiple lines
  • Text - Multiple lines (Large)

Queues Triggered by Tasks

Triggering Queues by Tasks allows Admins to establish a connection between queues so that a task in one queue generates a task in the next queue upon completion. This creates a sequential workflow, where tasks are created one after another as they are resolved.

1. In the Triggered By section, select the Tasks button.

2. Complete the following fields: 

  • Queue Name: Select an existing queue that contains the task that, when resolved, will trigger the creation of a task in the current queue. When an existing queue is selected, its description will appear for reference.
  • Execute After (Days): Enter the number of days after the triggering task is completed that a task in the current queue should be created.
    NOTE: This feature is currently in development and tasks are created immediately after the preceding task is completed.

Visualizing Task Triggers with the Flow Editor

Admins can view and manage task dependencies in a visual format using the Flow Editor tab:

1. Navigate to the Flow Editor tab at the top of the page. 

2. Use the page to view the flow diagram of task triggers. 

Saving and Activating the Queue

1. At the bottom of the page, click Save. A confirmation message will prompt you to set the queue status to “Live.”

  • Yes: Saves the queue and sets its status to Live, making it visible in the queues grid.
  • No: Saves the queue but keeps its status inactive. The Go Live button in the Status column will remain enabled for later activation.

2. A Queue Created Successfully message will appear in the bottom-right corner to confirm the setup is complete.

Have Questions or Issues?

If you have any questions or you are experiencing issues with accessing or using Neodeluxe Advanced Task Management, please contact our Product Support Team:

Our Product Support Team is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST.

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