File Sync Limitations

  • Updated

File Sync Current Limitations

Understanding the current limitations of File Sync is key to troubleshooting and managing expectations when implementing our solution for one-way or two-way Filevine documents sync as well as the ability to interact with these documents via local network.

We are constantly working to roll out enhancements to the product. To request a specific feature or functionality for File Sync, please create a post here.

NOTE: As with Filevine, your data is encrypted during sync and storage. Neostella does not own or interact with your document data other than to maintain the sync relationship with Filevine.

General File Sync Restrictions

Storage Limits

A client-owned and managed storage account (i.e. AWS S3, SharePoint, or Dropbox) is required. Payment for storage capacity is determined by your storage provider. Please ensure that your provider has sufficient storage to accommodate the documents you intend to sync.

NOTE: If versioning is enabled in SharePoint, your storage may reach capacity faster. To maximize your storage, we recommend disabling versioning or reducing the number of versions. For detailed instructions on versioning in SharePoint, please refer to their support website

File Sizes

  • Currently, File Sync supports file sizes up to 4GB for SharePoint, Dropbox, and AWS S3.
  • Files with a size of 0 bytes cannot be uploaded to these providers due to a restriction in Filevine.

Refresh Quotas

File Sync SharePoint has a committed refresh rate of every 5 minutes and up to 500 documents per minute every minute or less. Limits can be increased with approval. Higher volumes are supported, however, due to peak processing times, may take slightly longer to finish the sync process.

Dropbox Restrictions: Files and Folders

Maximum Path Length Limitation

The maximum length for a path-including the file name and folders- is 260 characters. When your Filevine path is bigger than 260 characters, it will NOT be created on Dropbox. For more information about Dropbox naming standards, visit the link: Naming Dropbox files and folders.

Path Structure

The path structure must be composed as follows and each name component must be separated by forward slashes: projectfolder000000/firstlevelfolder/secondlevelfolder/thirdlevelfolder

Example: This example path is 88 characters long:

Special Characters in Folders and Documents

  • Dropbox doesn’t allow certain characters in folder or document names.
  • A comparison table between Filevine’s and Dropbox characters restrictions for folders and documents is presented below. Special characters are allowed in project names in Filevine, and these names are used as folder names by the provider.
  • Any special characters in project names: “, :, ?, *, ‘, will be replaced by a "-" and . sometimes will be replaced by a “_” to avoid conflicts with the provider's restrictions.
Character Name Filevine Dropbox
< less than unsupported supported
> greater than unsupported supported
: colon unsupported supported
" double quote unsupported supported
/ forward slash unsupported unsupported
\ backslash unsupported unsupported
| vertical bar or pipe unsupported supported
? question mark unsupported supported
* asterisk unsupported supported
, comma unsupported supported
# hash or pound supported supported
% percent supported supported
& ampersand supported supported
@ at sign supported supported
$ dollar sign supported supported
{} braces supported supported
[] brackets supported supported
= equal sign supported supported
- hyphen supported supported
() parenthesis supported supported
. period supported supported
+ plus sign supported supported
' single quotation mark unsupported supported
emojis 😀🗂️⬇️ supported unsupported


SharePoint Restrictions: Files and Folders

Maximum Path Length Limitation

The maximum length for the entire decoded file path -including the file name- is 400 characters. When your Filevine path is bigger than 400 characters, it will NOT be created on SharePoint. The limit applies to the combination of the folder path and file name after decoding.

Path Structure

The path structure must be composed as follows and each name component must be separated by forward slashes: projectfolder000000/firstlevelfolder/secondlevelfolder/thirdlevelfolder

Example:This example path is 276 characters long:

Special Characters in Folders and Documents

  • SharePoint doesn’t allow certain characters in folder or document names.
  • A comparison table between Filevine’s and SharePoint characters restrictions for folders and documents is presented below. Special characters are allowed in project names in Filevine, and these names are used as folder names by the provider.
  • Partially Supported Characters: For some versions of SharePoint, the following characters are not supported: #, %, &. For more information about SharePoint restrictions, visit the link: Restrictions and limitations in OneDrive and SharePoint
Character Name Filevine SharePoint
< less than unsupported unsupported
> greater than unsupported unsupported
: colon unsupported unsupported
" double quote unsupported unsupported
/ forward slash unsupported unsupported
\ backslash unsupported unsupported
| vertical bar or pipe unsupported unsupported
? question mark unsupported unsupported
* asterisk unsupported unsupported
, comma unsupported supported
# hash or pound supported partially supported
% percent supported partially supported
& ampersand supported partially supported
@ at sign supported supported
$ dollar sign supported supported
{} braces supported supported
[] brackets supported supported
= equal sign supported supported
- hyphen supported supported
() parenthesis supported supported
. period supported supported
+ plus sign supported supported
' single quotation mark unsupported supported
emojis 😀🗂️⬇️ supported unsupported

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