This article will walk you through the steps for creating your organization’s Data Governance AI rules.
Creating a Rule
1. On Neodeluxe, open the navigation menu in the top-left hand corner and select Data Governance to access the Data Governance Admin page.
NOTE: The navigation menu may differ depending on the Neodeluxe products your firm uses. (e.g., Projects, Communications, and Flows are all part of Neodeluxe Client Portal).
2. Click the + Create New Rule button.
3. Enter the new rule Name and Description, and select the Rule Type*. The user can select from the following rule types:
- Based on Acceptable Values
- Based on Criteria
- Based on User Access
Depending on the rule type selected, follow the instructions below to complete the rule.
Creating Rules Based on Acceptable Values
1. When creating a new rule, select the Rule Type: Based on Acceptable Values.
2. Select the Project Type* that contains the field where the rule will be applied.
3. Select the Section where the field is located.
4. Select the Field* that will be verified by the rule.
5. If the selected Field* is a Date field type, in the Acceptable Values section the Operator* and Date* fields are enabled. Complete these fields as followed:
- In the Operator* dropdown field, select one of the available options:
- Equals
- Not Equal To
- Less Than
- Less Than or Equal to
- Greater Than
- Greater Than or Equal to
- Enter the Date*in mm/dd/yyyy format or select in the calendar.
Example: If the First Date at Address field should only accept dates before December 31, 2024, the setup can be done as follows, and the rule will be triggered if a date after December 31, 2024, is entered:
- Operator*: Less Than
- Date*: 12/31/2024
6. When the selected field is type Text - Single Line, Text - MultipleLines, or Text - Multiple Lines (Large), in the Acceptable Values* field, enter each value that will be allowed, pressing Enter after each one. Alternatively, click the Upload CSV File button to upload a .csv file containing the list of acceptable values for the selected field.
7. Continue with the alert message at Step 4. below.
Using Regular Expressions in Acceptable Value Rules
Regular expressions can be set instead of individual acceptable values to ensure that data input matches a specific pattern.
NOTE: Users can create Rules Based on Acceptable Values using only Acceptable Values, only Acceptable Expressions, or Acceptable Values with Acceptable Expressions.
1. In the Acceptable Expressions section, enter the desired regular expression using the appropriate syntax.
Regular expressions special characters are highlighted with the following colors:
- Blue: + * ?
- Green: ( )
- Expressions within ( ) are highlighted in green.
- Violet: \\ \.
- Orange: . \d \w \$ [ ] and similar expressions
- Expressions within [ ] are highlighted in blue.
- When the regular expression is not valid, its highlighted in red, and a message is displayed.
For more information on regular expressions syntax, please visit: Understanding Regular Expressions.
2. Test the expression by entering a sample text in the Test Expression field.
- The regular expression can only be tested before adding it by clicking the Add Regular Expression button.
- The Test expression field will be highlighted in green when the entered value matches the regular expression.
- The Test expression field will be highlighted in red when the entered value does not match the regular expression.
3. Click the Add Regular Expression button to add the regular expression to the Acceptable expressions.
- Users can add additional acceptable expressions by repeating the process outlined above.
- Up to 100 regular expressions can be added at most.
4. Enter the Alert Message that will be displayed if an unacceptable value is entered by a user in the corresponding field, then click Save.
- This message should inform Filevine users that the entered value is not accepted and should explain how to complete the field correctly
- Use the Available Variables to customize your message by clicking on the preferred variables you want to add. When you paste them into the Alert Message* text field, the variable will be enclosed in curly braces to create a dynamic message.
Example: If you click on Project Name, the variable is copied to your clipboard. When you paste it into the Alert Message* field, it will appear as {{project_name}}. The alert displayed in the Neodeluxe Sidebar will show the corresponding project name where the alert was triggered.
5. A message displaying Rule Created Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- The created rule is listed as a Draft, and you can fully edit the rule by clicking its name in the listing.
- The associated alerts will not appear in the Neodeluxe extension while the rule is in draft.
6. In the Rules list, click the Go Live symbol to activate the rule. Confirm the action by clicking the Go Live button in the pop up.
7. A message Rule Updated Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Once live, the rule’s alerts will trigger in the Neodeluxe Sidebar when a Filevine user enters an unacceptable value in the corresponding field.
- The only editable fields for a live rule are Is Active* and Acceptable Values*.
Creating Rules Based on Criteria
1. When creating a new rule, select the Rule Type*: Based on Criteria
2. Select the Project Type* where the rule will be applied.
3. Configure Criterion 1 by selecting the Variable*, Operator* and Value*.
NOTE: For a better understanding of criteria restrictions and the functionality of Collection Sections to ensure proper setup, please read Restrictions for Rules Based on Criteria.
4. Click +Add Condition when required to add another condition to Criterion 1 and complete the Variable*, Operator* and Value* fields.
5. If required, click the Add Criterion button to create additional criteria.
- A rule is triggered when one or more criteria are met (e.g., Criterion 1 OR Criterion 2… OR Criterion N).
- A criterion is satisfied only when all the conditions within it are met (Condition 1 AND Condition 2… AND Condition N).
- The N in “Criterion N” will dynamically change based on the number of criteria added.
6. Click the Mandatory Fields* selection dropdown and select the fields that will be marked as mandatory when the criteria are met. You can also upload a CSV file containing the Mandatory Fields.
- Uploading a CSV file will replace any previously manually entered values with the new data from the file.
- CSV field names must strictly follow the format used in the "Mandatory Fields" multi select dropdown:
- Format: Section - Field Name
- If a name in the CSV does not match exactly, it will not be added to the rule.
7. Enter the Alert Message* that will display when the rule is triggered, then click Save.
8. A message displaying Rule Created Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- The created rule will be listed as a Draft, and you can fully edit the rule by clicking its name in the list.
- The associated alerts will not appear in the Neodeluxe Sidebar extension while the rule is drafted.
9. In the Rules list, click the Go Live symbol to activate the rule. Click the Go Live button in the pop up to confirm the action.
9. A message Rule Updated Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Once live, the rule's alerts will trigger in the Neodeluxe Sidebar when the criteria for the respective rule are met.
- The only editable fields for a live rule are Is Active* and Mandatory Fields*
Creating Rules Based on User Access
1. When creating a new rule, select the Rule Type*: Based on User Access.
2. Select the Project Type* where the rule will be applied.
3. In the User Access section, select one of the following options: Grant access to or Deny access to.
4. Select the users from the Users* dropdown who will be granted or denied access.
5. In the Type of Access* field, select one of the following options: Project Phase Change, Notes or Project Information.
6. If Notes is selected, the Actions* field is enabled with the following options: Add, Edit, Complete, and Incomplete. Select from the list the actions that will be allowed or denied.
7. If Project Information is selected, the Actions* field is enabled with the following option: Edit. Select from the list the action that will be allowed or denied.
8. Enter the Alert Message* that will display when the rule is triggered, then click Save.
9. A message displaying Rule Created Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- The created rule is listed as a Draft, and you can fully edit the rule by clicking its name in the listing.
- The associated alerts will not appear in the Neodeluxe Sidebar extension while the rule is in draft.
10.In the Rules list, click the Go Live symbol to activate the rule. Confirm the action by clicking the Go Live button in the pop up.
11. A message Rule Updated Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.
- Once live, the rule’s alerts will show in the Neodeluxe Sidebar whenever the user attempts to access an action they are not authorized to access.
- The only editable fields for a live rule are Is Active*, the options: Grant access to or Deny access to and the dropdown to select the Users*.
Have Questions or Issues?
If you have any questions or you are experiencing issues with accessing or using Neodeluxe Data Governance AI, please contact our Product Support Team:
- Email:
- Submit a Request: Click here to submit a ticket
Our Product Support Team is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST.
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