Managing Fact Types

  • Updated

Admins can easily configure the Fact Types used to label facts within packages.

Adding Fact Types

Create Fact Types by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Admin > Fact Link Setup > Fact Types.
  2. In the Fact Types list, click the + Create Fact Type button.

  1. Enter the Fact Type Name * , the Description , and click Create.

Editing Fact Types

To modify an existing Fact Type:

  1. In the Fact Types list, locate the Fact Type to be edited, and click the Edit icon.

  1. Edit the Fact Type Name * , the Description, or both, and click Update.

Deleting Fact Types

To permanently delete an existing Fact Type: 

  1. In the Fact Types list, locate the Fact Type to be deleted, and click the Delete icon.

  1. Complete the action by clicking Confirm in the pop-up.

NOTES: The deleted Fact Type will also be removed from the Fact Type dropdown menu in the fact card. If it was previously assigned to any facts, the field will appear empty.


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