Creating Facts
- In a Package, click a document’s name or click the arrow icon to open the document.
- Select the text , and click the + button to generate a Fact based on selected text, or use the Full Page Fact button to add the whole page as a fact.
- Click the Fact Name in the card to add a name for the fact.
- Click a fact’s box to expand its card, and if desired, update additional fact details.
- Fact Name: Editable upon click.
- Document Name: The name of the document where the fact was created.
- User Name: The creator of the fact.
- Date & Time: When the fact was created.
- Fact Date: The date associated with the fact. By default, it shows the fact’s creation date, but can be modified by the user.
- Comment Box: Add remarks or notes and press Enter to save.
- Fact Type Dropdown: Categorize and label facts by selecting a fact type.
- Go to Fact: Jump to the highlighted text or page where the fact is located.
- Additional Options: Click the three dots for additional actions:
- Delete Fact: Delete the fact and all associated data.
- Download Fact Page: Download the page containing the fact.
- Edit Fact Content: Modify the highlighted text or page.
Fact Based on Selected Text | Fact Based on Full Page |
Facts based on selected text will also include the following: Original: This tab displays the original selected text from the document. Edited: This tab displays the option to edit the document’s selected text. If not edited, it mirrors the original fact content. |
Fact Page: Shows the page number in the document where the full-page fact was created. |
Editing Facts
Editing Highlighted Fact Content
- Locate the Fact, and click to expand the fact details.
- Click the three dots in the bottom left corner of the fact card, and select Edit Fact Content.
- Select the new text in the document, and click the Save icon to confirm.
Editing Full Page Facts
- Locate the Full Page Fact, and click to expand the fact details.
- Click the three dots in the bottom left corner of the fact card, and select Edit Fact Content.
- From the Page dropdown displaying the document’s page numbers, select the new page number, and click the Save icon to confirm.
Editing Fact Text
- Locate the Fact, and click to expand the fact details.
- Click on the Edited tab.
- Edited the fact’s text as desired. All edits will be saved automatically and stored under the Edited tab. The document’s original text will remain stored under the Original tab.
NOTES: If it is a Full Page Fact, the original text will be blank.
Downloading Fact Page
- Locate the Fact, and click to expand the fact details.
- Click the three dots in the bottom left corner of the fact card, and select Download Fact Page.
- Click the Pages dropdown, and select one of the following options:
- Fact Page: to download the fact page.
- Fact page and surrounding pages: downloading the fact page along the previous and next pages.
- Click Export Facts , and the PDF page will be downloaded to your device.
Deleting Facts
- Locate the Fact, and click to expand the fact details.
- Click the three dots in the bottom left corner of the fact card, and select Delete Fact.
- Complete the action by clicking the Confirm button in the popup to delete the fact.
Filtering Facts
The Group By , and Sort By , and Search By buttons at the top of the Fact Notes section allow you to customize and filter your fact list to easily locate specific facts. You can use the Group By , Sort By , and Search By filters simultaneously to obtain combined results, giving you more precise control over the facts displayed.
Group By
The Group By button allows you to organize facts by different categories:
Created By: Groups facts based on the users who created them. |
Created Date: Groups facts based on the creation date. |
Document: Groups facts based on the document in which they are located. |
Fact Date: Group facts according to the specified fact date. |
Fact Type: Group facts based on their Fact Type label. |
Sort By
The Sort By button allows you to arrange facts in a specific order. By default, facts are sorted in descending order. To reverse the order, click the Descending button.
Created Date: Sorts facts based on the creation date. |
Document: Sorts facts based on the document name. |
Fact Date: Sorts facts based on the specified Fact Date. |
Search By
Enter text in the search bar and filter facts by matching content using the Search By button. The following options allow you to search and filter fact results:
Fact Name: Searches for facts based on the name of the fact. |
Fact Content: Searches for facts based on the content of the fact. If the text in a fact matches the entered search text, the corresponding fact will be displayed. |
Fact Content: Searches for facts based on the name of the user who created the fact. |
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