Creating & Managing Document Packages

  • Updated

Creating Packages

Follow these steps to create new document packages:

  1. Go to Fact Link to see the Package List

  1. Click + Create Package.

  1. Enter the Package Name* , and click the chevron icon to expand the More Details section.
  2. In the More Details section, provide a Description , optionally select the External Type and External ID , and then click Create.


  •  External Type: Refers to the type of external case management, such as a Filevine project, associated with the package. This field is not required.
  •  External ID: The ID of the associated external case. This field is not required.

Editing Packages

  1. Go to Fact Link to view the Package List
  2. Locate the package and click the Edit icon.

  1.  Modify the details as needed, then click Update.

Deleting Packages

  1. Go to Fact Link to view the Package List
  2. Locate the package and click the Delete icon.

  1. Confirm the deletion by clicking the Confirm button in the popup.

Uploading PDF Documents to a Package

  1. Open the package by clicking its name in the Package List , or automatically after creating a new package.

  1. Drag and drop the PDF or click Upload your documents here to browse and select files. 


  • Maximum File Size: 2GB. 
  • Maximum Files: 20 files per upload. 

Supported PDF Files:

  • Accessible Text PDFs: Create facts from selected text or full-page facts. This includes OCR-processed PDFs.
  • PDF documents based on images: Only create full-page facts. This includes scanned documents and image-based PDFs where the text is stored as an image. Facts based on selected text are NOT supported in PDFs based on images.
  1. Verify the upload status of the selected documents in the Documents Uploading Queue section. Documents that have been successfully uploaded will appear in the list with the following information:
  • Name: Click to open the document and manage facts.
  • Uploaded by: Shows the name or username of the person who uploaded the package.
  • Uploaded Date: Shows the date the package was uploaded. uploaded.
  • Actions
    • Up Arrow icon: Click to open the document and manage facts.
    • Delete icon: Click to delete the document.

Deleting Documents

  1. In the Package List locate the package and click the package’s name to open it.
  2. Locate the PDF document, and click the Delete icon.

  1. Complete the action by clicking the Confirm button in the popup to delete the document and all its associated facts and comments.


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