Neodeluxe Mass Communications

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Neodeluxe Mass Communications

Neodeluxe Mass Communications allow law firms to schedule and send bulk messages to clients via Email, In-App, and SMS.

NOTES: Mass Communications are different from Automated Flow Messages in the Client Portal. For more information on Flows, please visit Creating Flows, Automated Messages, and Tasks.

Navigating Mass Communications

From Neodeluxe, go to “Communications” in the navigation menu. The Communications list. The “Communication” interface provides options to configure, manage, and review Mass Communications. 


Key Features:

  1. + Create Communication: This button initiates a new mass communication.
  2. Search: Filter communications by “Name”, “Description”, “Status”, and/or “Created By”.
  3. Communications Grid: Displays a list of existing communications grid contains the following details:
Column   Description
Warning Icon Indicates an unpublished communication where the scheduled time has passed. 
Name   Internal reference name for the communication.
Description   Brief internal reference description.
Is Active   Displays whether the communication is active or inactive.
Status   Displays the current status (Draft, Published, Delivered).
Time to Send   Scheduled date and time for sending the message.
Created By   Identifies the user who created the communication.
Back to Draft Revert the communication back to Draft status. This option is only available when the communication is published but not sent.
Publish Communication Publish the communication, initiating the send of the messages at the scheduled date and time. This option is only available when the communication is in Draft status.
Test Communication Test the communication via email before it is published. The option is only available when the communication has Draft status.
Email Statistics Access the communication’s statistics. This option is only available when the Communication has Delivered status.

 Creating Communications

  1. In the “Communications” page, click on “+ Create Communication”.
  2. Enter the Communication Details:
  • Name”: Internal reference only.
  • Is Active”: If Inactive, the message will not be sent.
  • Time to Send”: Specify date and time in the format:
    • Written in the format mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm (a|p)m (Minutes must be a multiple of 10).
    • Or, click the calendar icon and select the date from the calendar and the time (hours and minutes) on the clock.
  • Audience Type”: Select “Report”.
  • Description”: Enter a description of the communication for internal reference.

  1. In the “Audience Type - Report” section, enter the Filevine “Report ID”. Click “Validate Report ID” to ensure the connection is valid.

NOTES: This report refers to the report used in the “Filevine Integration Setup” to add users and send invitations to those listed. For more details, please read the “Step 07: Adding Users” in the Filevine Integration Setup article.


  1. Select the preferred “Delivery Method*” by checking "Email", "In-App Notification”, or “SMS”. You may choose one or multiple options.

  • "Email": The Communication will be delivered as a standard email.
  • "In-App Notification”: The Communication will be sent as an encrypted notification within Neodeluxe.
  • SMS”: The Communication will be sent as a SMS to users who have SMS as their preferred Communication method and have accurate phone information.
  1. For an “Email*”, enter the “Email Subject”, and compose the message. 


  • The email body will automatically include a greeting, "Dear {{Recipient Name}}" so you do not need to add this manually.
  • Attach files by clicking the Clip icon in the toolbar, then, either drag and drop the files or click the icon to browse and select the documents, and next click the Attach button.
  • The total file size for all attachments must not exceed 20 MB.
  • Supported file formats include: pdf, jpg/jpeg, png, doc/docx, txt, xlsx, wav, mp3, mp4, ppt, and pptx.
  1. For “In-App Notification*”, select the “Message Type*”, enter the “Notification Subject*”, and compose the “Notification Body*” with the corresponding message. 

NOTES: Suggested message types are below:

Alarm Change or News Informational New Data Reminder
Indicates missing information is needed. For important updates, such as changes in the law. General Communication. Alerts when new data is updated. Reminds users of pending actions as the expiration date approaches.


  1. For “SMS*”messages, compose the message (max 150 characters). Only users with SMS as their preferred communication method and accurate phone information will be able to receive SMS messages.

NOTES: SMS Messaging is an Add-On option to the Neodeluxe Portal and requires additional configuration to be set up as a delivery method. Please contact sales for more information.

  1. Click “Save” to finalize the communication.


  • Once a communication is created the “Draft” status is set by default.
  • The “Publish Communication, and “Test Communication icons are enabled, while the other icons are disabled.

Editing Communications

To edit an existing mass communication message:

  1. In the “Communications page, locate the communication you wish to edit and click its name to open the editor.
    NOTES: Only communications with “Draft” status are editable.

  1. Modify the Communication “Details”, “Audience Type Report”, “Delivery Method”, “Email”, “In-App Notification”, and/or “SMS sections as needed.
  2. Click “Save” to update the communication.

Testing Communications

Admins can test messages sent via email before the Communication is published, by following the steps below:

  1. On the “Communications” page, locate the draft communication, and click the “Test Communication” icon in the “Action” column.


  • Only Communications with “Draft” status can be tested.
  • Only Communications sent via email can be tested.
  1. A test email is sent to the user who performed the test.

Publishing Communications

Follow these steps to publish the Communication, and ensure that it will be delivered as planned:

  1. In the “Communications” page, locate the Communication to publish, and click the “Publish Communication” icon in the “Action” column.

  1. Click the “Publish” button in the popup to confirm the action.
  2. The communication will be delivered at the specified time.


  • When the user changes the status from “Draft” to  “Published”, the Communication will be sent based on the scheduled send time.
  • The Communication's status will be updated to  “Published”.
  • The  “Back to Draft” icon is enabled, while the other icons are disabled.

Reverting Communications Back to Draft

Follow these steps to change the Communication status from “Published” to  “Draft”:

  1. In the “Communications” page, locate the Communication to return to draft, and click the  “Back to Draft” iconin the “Action” column.

  1. Click the “Change Status" button in the popup to confirm the action.


  • Only Communications with “Published” status can be changed to “Draft”.
  • The “Publish Communication and “Test Communication icons are enabled, while the other icons are disabled.

Viewing Email Statistics

Statistics for Mass Communications sent via email can be reviewed for published and delivered communications. Additionally, admins have the option to export these statistics as a CSV file.

Follow these steps to see and export the the Communication Statistics:

  1. In the “Communications” page, locate the communication to review with “Delivered” status, and click the Email Statistics” icon in the “Action” column.

  1. View the email statistics for the selected Communication:
  • Delivery Statistics”: This section displays the following statistics in a circle chart: "Delivered", "Dropped", and "Bounced".
  • General Statistics”: This section displays the following statistics: "Sent", "Delivered", "Opened", "Spam", "Bounced", and "Dropped".
  • Opened”: This section displays the number of emails that were opened over time in a time chart.

  1. Click the “Export CSV button to send the report, along with the corresponding statistics, via email.
  2. In your email inbox, open the Communication Report, and click "Link” to download the report. 

Troubleshooting for Portal Admins

Troubleshooting for Portal AdminsWhy Are My Mass Communications Not Working?

If your Neodeluxe Client Portal Mass Communication isn't working as expected, please review the following scenarios:

Status Explanations

  • Delivered”: The message has been successfully sent to the selected Audience. Verify that the correct Audience was chosen via Filevine report and that the intended message details were included.
  • Draft”:  The Communication has been created but not yet published. It must be published before it can be sent. 
  • Published”:  The message is scheduled but hasn’t been sent yet. Ensure that the “Audience”, and “Scheduled Time to Send” are correctly set.
  • Warning Sign Icon: If the communication wasn’t published before the scheduled time, it won’t be sent, and a warning sign will appear. Edit the communication and reschedule it if necessary.
  • Inactive Communication: If a communication is set to “Inactive”, it will not be sent to any recipients. Activate it to enable delivery.

Common Issues & Fixes

  • Incorrect Delivery Method: Double-check that the chosen delivery method (Email, In-App Notification, or SMS) aligns with your intended method of communication.
  • Invalid Report ID: If using a report-based audience, confirm that the Report ID from Filevine is valid and accessible.
  • Attachment Issues: Ensure that email attachments do not exceed the 20 MB limit and are in a supported format (PDF, JPG, DOCX, etc.).
  • SMS Feature Not Enabled: SMS is an add-on feature. If SMS messages are not being sent, confirm that SMS functionality is enabled for your company’s account.

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