Managing Neodeluxe Users

  • Updated

Throughout this section Admins can manage Neodeluxe Portal Users.

Users Interface

  1. Go to the Admin menu and select General.

  1. Select Users.

  1. On the Users page, view the following elements:

  • + Create User: Click this button to add new users to Neodeluxe.
  • Users statistics: The following statistics are available:
    • Total: Displays the total number of registered users in your Neodeluxe account.
    • Confirmed: Displays the total number of users who have confirmed their email addresses.
    • Force Change Password: Displays the total number of users who were forced to change their passwords.
    • Inactive: Displays the total number of inactive users. 
  • Search bar: Allows to search users, and filter results displayed in the grid, by user’s Full Name or Email.

  • Show Inactive users: Tick the Show Inactive Users checkbox to display the inactive users highlighted in red. 
    • Users Grid: The users list contains the following columns:
    • Full Name
    • Email
    • Phone
    • Is Active: Indicates whether the user is Active or Inactive.
    • Status: Indicates the user status:
      • FORCE_CHANGE_PASSWORD: The user has not confirmed their email.
      • EMAIL_CONFIRMED: The user has confirmed their email.
      • SMS_CONFIRMED: The user has not confirmed their email BUT has logged in via SMS.
      • EXTERNAL_IDP_CONFIRMED: The user has not confirmed their email BUT has logged in via SSO (External Provider such as Jumpcloud, Microsoft).

NOTE: If the user has confirmed their email, the status will always be EMAIL_CONFIRMED, regardless of whether they have logged in through other methods (such as SMS or SSO).

  • Time Zone: Indicates the user’s time zone.

Creating Neodeluxe Users

  1. In the Users interface, select + Create User.

  1. In the Create User interface, complete the fields as follows: 

  • First Name: Enter the user’s first name.
  • Last Name: Enter the user’s last name.
  • Email: Enter the user’s email address.
  • Phone Number: Click the flag’s icon to select the country code, and then enter the phone number.
  • Roles: Select from the dropdown the permission role(s) to be granted to the user.

  1. The message User created is displayed, and the new user is added to the list and user statistics.

  1. An automatic email is sent to the user to confirm their account creation.

NOTE: To request a customized email, please create a post here.

Editing Users

  1. In the Users page, locate the user to modify, and click the corresponding row.

  1. In the Edit User interface, appears 3 sections: Edit User, User label assignment, and Set Temporary Password.

Editing Users Data

  1. In the Edit User interface, modify the user’s information, and click Update.


  • The following fields can be modified: First Name, Last Name, Phone Number, Time Zone, and Roles.
  • The email cannot be modified.

Deactivating Users

A user cannot be deleted from Neodeluxe Portal. However, a user can be disabled by following these steps: 

  1. In the Edit User interface, change the Active toggle to Inactive and click Update.

NOTE: When a user is marked as Inactive, they will no longer be able to access the portal. Inactive users are restricted from logging in or performing any actions within Neodeluxe Portal. 

Activating Users

An inactive user can be activated by following the steps: 

  1. In the Users interface, select the Show Inactive Users checkbox, to see the list of inactive users (highlighted in red), and click the name of the user to activate.

  1. In the Edit User interface, change the Inactive toggle to Active and click Update.

Forcing Users to Change their Password

NOTE: Users who have not set a password can be prompted to change it. This option is unavailable for users with a confirmed email (EMAIL_CONFIRMED status).

  1. In the Edit User interface, click the Resend temporary password to email the user a temporary password, which will prompt the user to create a new password upon login.

The message Temporary password sent appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Assigning User Labels

Users can create new labels or select one or more labels to be assigned to the user from the labels dropdown, as follows:

  1. In the User label assignment interface, to create a new label directly from the user’s profile, click + Add Label and enter the new label's Name* and Description, then click Save

A message displaying Label Created Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen and the newly created label will be added to the selected labels for the user.


  1. In the User label assignment interface, click the Labels dropdown, select one or more labels. Then click Update.

A message displaying User labels Updated Successfully appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Setting Temporary Password

To help a user reset their password, Admins can set a temporary password for this user below. 

  1. In the Set Temporary Password interface, enter a Temp Password, then click Update


  • The password must contain at least 8 characters and include 1 uppercase character, 1 lowercase character, 1 number, and 1 symbol.
  • The temporary password is not automatically sent to the user's email, so the Admin must provide it manually.

A message displaying Temporary password successfully appears in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

NOTE: After entering their email or phone number (with country code) and the temporary password, the user will be prompted to change their password upon login.

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