Managing Tasks in Neodeluxe

  • Updated

In Advanced Task Management, Admins and Supervisors can view a centralized and detailed overview of tasks and queues, allowing for efficient tracking and management.

Viewing and Filtering the Tasks List

1. Under Task Manager in the navigation menu, select the Tasks page to view a list displaying all existing queues. 

2. Check the Show Resolved Tasks checkbox to display resolved tasks in the list.

3. Apply Filters using the following fields to filter the task data:

  • User: Filter tasks by assigned user.
  • Priority: Choose from ranges (0-25, 26-50, 51-75, 76-100).
  • Status: Select one or more task statuses:
    • Assigned
    • Resolved
    • Snoozed in Queue
    • Escalated
    • In Queue
  • Start Due Date: Specify the beginning of the due date range.
  • End Due Date: Specify the end of the due date range.

4. Click the Filter button to apply the selected criteria.

Overview of the Tasks List

The list organizes task data into the following columns:

  • Queue Name: The name of the queue to which the task belongs.
  • Project Name: The Filevine project associated with the task.
  • Task Status: 
    • Assigned: Task is assigned to a user, either automatically or manually.
    • Escalated: Task is overdue and in an escalation queue.
    • In Queue: Task is in the queue inventory, waiting for a user to claim it.
    • Resolved: Task has been completed.
    • Snoozed in Queue: Task is snoozed and waiting for the snooze duration to end.
    • Snoozed for User: Task has been snoozed by a user.
    • Rejected: Task was rejected by a user.
  • Escalation Task: Indicates whether the task is overdue and has been moved to an escalation queue.
  • Priority: The numerical basic or advanced priority assigned to the queues task. 
    • Basic Priority Levels (Numerical Values):
      • Low Priority: 25
      • Medium Priority: 50
      • High Priority: 75
      • Urgent Priority: 100
  • Due Date: The task's deadline.
  • Assigned: The user responsible for completing the task.
  • User Status: Indicates whether the user is online or offline in the Neodeluxe Sidebar extension.
  • Times Re-enqueued: The number of times the task has been sent back to the queue.

Viewing a Task's Details

In the Tasks list, click on a task to view and edit all of its details.

  • Queue: Displays the queue's name. Clicking it opens the Queue Editor in a new browser tab.
  • Priority: Indicates the task's priority. Click the edit icon next to the priority number to update it.
  • Status: Displays the current task status.
  • Project: Shows the Filevine project associated with the task. Clicking it opens the project in a new browser tab.
  • Assigned Date: Displays when the task was assigned to a user.
  • Due Date: Indicates the task deadline. Click the date to modify it.
  • Re-enqueued: Shows how many times the task has been snoozed to the queue.
  • Snooze to User: Button to snooze the task for the assigned user.
  • Snooze to Queue: Button to snooze the task back to the queue.
  • Manually Assign: Opens the manual assignment interface for task assignment or reassignment.
    NOTE: Supervisors can manually assign a task if it hasn't already been assigned. Only Admins can re-assign tasks. 
  • Resolve: Opens a dialog box for task resolution.
  • Instructions: Displays the task instructions.
  • Notes: Shows any notes added to the task.
  • + Add Note: Button to add new notes to the task.

Changing a Task's Priority

1. Click the priority number with the edit icon.

2. Enter a value between 1 and 100.
3. Click the check icon to save. A notification displaying Task Updated Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

NOTE: If the entered priority number is not valid, a message will be displayed.

Changing a Task's Due Date

1. Click the due date edit icon.

2. Select a new date from the calendar. A notification displaying Task Updated Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Adding Notes to a Task

1.Click + Add Note and enter the note content.

2. Click Add to save. A notification displaying Note Added Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen. 

3. The date, the user who entered the note, and the note itself are displayed:

Snoozing Tasks to a User

1. Click Snooze to User.

2. Enter the snooze duration in hours.
NOTE: If the entered time exceeds the maximum snooze limit, a notification is displayed.

3. Click Save. A notification displaying Task Snoozed Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner, and the task status is updated to Snoozed for the user.

Snoozing Tasks to a Queue

1. Click Snooze to Queue.

2. Enter the snooze duration in hours.
NOTE: If the entered time exceeds the maximum snooze limit, a notification is displayed.

3. Click Save. A notification displaying Task Snoozed Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner, and the task status is updated to Snoozed for the queue.

4. The snoozed task in the queue will now be available for reassignment to another user.

Manually Assigning a Task

1. Click Manually Assign.

2. Select a user from the dropdown list.
NOTE: Only users without assigned tasks and with matching labels are listed.

3. Click Assign. A notification displaying Task Assigned Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner. 

Resolving a Task

1. Click Resolve.

2. Select a Resolution Category:

  • Completed
  • No longer needed
  • Not applicable

3. Choose a Resolution Code from the dropdown.

4. Add any Comments, then click Save. A notification displaying Task Resolved Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner. 


Have Questions or Issues?

If you have any questions or you are experiencing issues with accessing or using Neodeluxe Advanced Task Management, please contact our Product Support Team:

Our Product Support Team is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST.

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