Using the Bulk Updater Automation

  • Updated

This article provides a step-by-step guide to triggering and using the Neodeluxe Bulk Updater automation within the Bulk Import Project in Filevine. 


The Bulk Updater automation enables users to update or add data in bulk across Filevine projects sharing the same Project Type. This is accomplished using a properly formatted CSV file to:

  • Update specific form fields.
  • Update project details.
  • Create collection items.
  • Update collection items.

Before triggering the automation, you must complete the one-time setup for each target Project Type.

Key Terms and Definitions

  • Bulk Updater Automation: A tool to manage large-scale data updates in Filevine projects with the same Project Type using a CSV file.

    • CSV File Upload: A user uploads a structured CSV file containing the data to be updated.

    • CSV Validation: When the automation is triggered, the uploaded CSV's headers are validated.

    • Data Loading: Once the CSV is validated, the automation updates the fields in the specified Filevine projects.

  • CSV File: A "comma separate values" spreadsheet file with .csv extension containing the project data for bulk updates. This file contains the project IDs and values to update.

  • Functions: In the Bulk Updater automation, the function defines the type of bulk operation. Depending on the selected function, the CSV file must follow a specific layout and formatting.

Trigger the Bulk Updater Automation

1. In the Bulk Import Project, go to the Bulk Update - Import section.

2. Click the +Add an Item button.

3. Select the desired function the automation will perform:

  • update_project: Update project names or phases.
  • update_form: Modify static form data.
  • create_collection_item: Add new items to a collection.
  • update_collection_item: Update existing collection items.

NOTE: Depending on the selected function, the CSV file must follow a specific layout and formatting.

4. For appending (rather than replacing) List Fields (Multi-Select or Text list), enter the field selector(s) for the corresponding list field(s) in the List Append field.



Let's assume you want to update the list fields Party Status, Damages Rating, and Party Type.

Party Status and Damages Rating: These fields require new options to be added to the existing list without removing the current options. This means, the new options in the CSV file will be appended to the current options in these fields.

Party Type: This field needs its existing options to be overwritten entirely. The current options will be removed and replaced with the new ones specified in the CSV file.

To achieve this, the field selectors for Party Status and Damages Rating (e.g., partystatus and damagesrating) must be entered in the List Append field. This ensures that new options are appended to these fields, rather than overwriting the fields. 

5. In the File to Load section, upload a new CSV file or attach an existing CSV file from Filevine.

To Upload a New CSV File:

Click the button with the upload icon, select the CSV file, and then click Open.

Once selected, the file's name will be displayed along with the option to remove it.

To Select a CSV from Filevine:

Click Attach a Project Doc to select a previously uploaded CSV file.

Once selected, the file's name will be displayed along with the available options that can be applied to it. Click the chevron icon next to the CSV File to expand the available options. Some important options include:

  • Update: Upload a new CSV file or restore a previous version without losing the setup of the bulk import item.
    • Upload a New Version: Uploading a new file will replace the existing CSV and set the new file as the current version.
    • Restore Revision: In the Version History list, locate the version you want to restore and click Restore revision icon to replace the current file with the selected version history.
  • Remove
    • Remove from Here: When this button is clicked, the CSV file is removed from the project, but remains in Filevine.
    • Delete from Filevine: When this button is clicked, the CSV file is removed from the project, and also deleted from Filevine.

6. Enter the Selection Selector where the import should occur.

  • The section selector must be associated with the Project Type where the import will be performed.
  • If the automation function update_project is selected, the section selector is not required.

7. Save and trigger the Bulk Updater automation by clicking CSV Import, then confirm by selecting Start Taskflow

  • If you wish to save the configuration without starting the automation, click Create to save the entered data. 
  • The message Activated by [User Name], on [Date] at [Time] will appear, indicating that the automation has been started.



The automation’s trigger, and the success or failure of the import will be reported in the Activity section of the import project.

NOTE: The import time may vary based on the amount of data in the CSV file being imported into the corresponding projects.

Formatting CSV Files

In the Bulk Updater Automation, there are four functions that specify the type of update the automation will perform:

  • Project update
  • Form (Static) update
  • Item collection creation
  • Item collection update

Depending on the selected function, the CSV file must follow a specific formatting.
NOTE: Each execution can perform the updating or creation into multiple projects, but is limited to a single section.

Supported Fields: 

NOTE: The Deadline field is not supported.


Field Selector Example Field Type Format Format Example
Field Type: Amount
currency Float number with 2 decimals.






Float number with 8 decimals.



Float number with 8 decimals.


Field Type: Text

Single Line Field

Text in a single line.
Line breaks are not allowed.

The case involves a contract dispute


Multiple Lines Field

Text in a multiple line.
Line breaks are allowed by pressing enter.

The case involves a contract dispute between two parties.
Plaintiff claims that the defendant failed to meet the agreed-upon terms.
While the defendant asserts that the delay was caused by unforeseen circumstances.


Multiple Lines (large) Field

Text in a multiple line, with a larger character limit.
Line breaks are allowed by pressing enter.

The case involves a contract dispute between two parties.
Plaintiff claims that the defendant failed to meet the agreed-upon terms.
While the defendant asserts that the delay was caused by unforeseen circumstances.
The case under review involves potential liability for damages.
Field Type: Yes/No


Allows both Yes or No, as well as True or False.
Field Type: Date
date Date
Date in the format yyyy-mm-dd or mm/dd/yyyy
Field Type: Multiple Choice (Single-selection)
dropdownListDropdownView or dropdownListMultipleChoice Dropdown list (Single-selection)
Allows only one option from the existing values.
Dropdown List Field Values:
Option A
Option B
Option C
Option D
Option F

Option B

For this field, the CSV file must have one option from the existing values.
If the CSV file contains a different value, an error will be generated during the import.

Field Type: Attachment


File Attachment
Accept any File ID uploaded within the Filevine project.
The file ID is a numeric value.


For this field, the CSV file must have a file ID, and that file must be located within the respective Filevine project indicated in the projectId column

Field Type: Person
person Person
Accept any contact ID registered in Filevine.
The contact ID is a numeric value.
Not allowed organization members IDs.


For this field, the CSV file must have a contact ID.

Field Type: URL


Accept any URL with the standard URL format: www.domain…
The protocol https:// or http:// must not be indicated in the CSV.

For this field, the CSV file must have a URL with the standard URL format, starting with www.

projectLink Project Link
Accept any project link ID.
The project link ID is a numeric value.


For this field, the CSV file must have a Project Link ID.

projectName Project Name
This field accepts text for the project name. The following characters are not supported: < > : " / \ | ? * , '
Limit: 255 Characters.

Mass tort Case-3583

For this field, the CSV file must have a project name.


Phase ID
Accept any project phase ID.
The phase ID is a numeric value.


For this field, the CSV file must have a project phase ID.


List Fields (Multi-Select or Text list):

In the CSV file, values must be separated by a comma (e.g., Option 1, Option 2). Commas within the list of values for list fields may be misinterpreted during the bulk import, as values are separated by commas. These fields can be appended to existing options when the import is performed.

Field Selector Example Field Type Format Format Example
Field Type: Text


Single Line List Field

Accepts a list of values.

Option 1, Option 2, Option 3

For this field, the CSV file must contain a list of values.

Field Type: Multiple Choice (Multiple Option Fields)


Multi-Select List
The checklist field allows multiple options and multiple choices to be selected.

Option 1, Option 2, Option 5

For this field, the CSV file must contain a list of options from the existing values.
If the CSV file contains a different value, an error will be generated during the import.


Field Type: Attachment


Multiple File Attachment field
Accept a list with any file ID uploaded within the Filevine project.
The file ID is a numeric value.
992168233, 945968345, 912162038

For this field, the CSV file must have a list of file IDs, and the files must be located within the Filevine project

Field Type: Person


Person List
Accept a list with any contact ID registered in Filevine.
The contact ID is a numeric value.
Not allowed organization members IDs.
992168233, 945968345, 912162038

For this field, the CSV file must have a list of contact IDs.
Field Type: URL


URL List
Accept a list with any URL with the standard URL format.www.domain…
The protocol https:// or http:// must not be indicated in the CSV.,,

For this field, the CSV file must have a list of URLs starting with…..

Field Type: Project


Project Link
Accept any project link ID.
The project link ID is a numeric value

992168233, 945968345, 912162038

For this field, the CSV file must have a list of project link IDs.


Creating the CSV File

To prepare each CSV file, ensure that the following requirements are met.
NOTE: The automation is case-sensitive, and discrepancies in the column header will prevent the automation from importing the data correctly.

1. The first column must be named EXACTLY projectId.

2. Each value under the projectId column must correspond to the project ID number. Data in each row will be imported into the project specified by the ID in that row.

  • This process does not create new projects.
  • Project IDs can be obtained by generating a report in Filevine. For instructions, visit: Build a Report - Filevine.


3. Update Collection Item (if applicable): If the automation function is Update Collection Item, the second column must be named EXACTLY itemId. If the automation function is not an Update Collection Item, proceed to step 4.

  • The itemId column should contain the ID of the collection item to be updated.
  • If no value is provided in the itemId column for a specific project, a new item will be created for that project.
  • Collection item IDs can also be obtained by generating a report. For details, visit: Build a Report - Filevine.

4. In the CSV header row, enter the desired Field Selectors for the fields to be updated by the Bulk Updater automation.

  • Field titles in the header must:
    • Belong to the section where the data is being imported.
    • Match EXACTLY as they appear in the Advanced > Customs Editor section of Filevine.
  • Fields not included in the CSV will remain unchanged.
  • For information about getting Field Selectors and Field Codes, visit: How to Get Selectors and Field Codes.

5. Add the values that will be imported to the respective fields in the corresponding project rows.

  • Ensure the data adheres to the expected format for each field.
  • List Fields (Multi-Select or Text List): Enter values separated by commas (e.g., Option1,Option2). Avoid including commas within values to prevent errors.

NOTE: Bulk Automation for updating projects only supports changes in project name and project phase; the CSV file must be composed as the example displayed below:

Special Cases for Cell Values

Empty Cells in the itemId Column

When performing a collection item bulk update, if a cell does not have data in the itemId column, a new collection item will be created.

Empty Cells

When any cell for a specific field in the CSV file is empty, that field will be ignored during the data import for the respective project.

Null Values

When any cell for a specific field contains the NULL value in the CSV file, the corresponding field will be cleared during the data import for that project.
NOTE: The word NULL in the cell is not case-sensitive. It will be recognized and treated as a NULL value in the data import, regardless of how it is written.

List Fields (Multi-Select or Text list)

When importing data from a CSV, if any of the columns correspond to a dropdown or list field (such as Multi-Select or Text List), the values to be imported must be comma-separated.
Each entry in the cell should be separated by a comma, but ensure that each value does not contain commas to avoid issues during the import process.


Values that contain commas can cause issues, as the automation process may interpret them as separate entries in a list.
Example: In the string “Hi, this is option A”, the value “Hi” and “this is option A” could be incorrectly treated as two distinct options when the automation occurs.

  • The Bulk Updater default behavior overwrites the entire list with the provided values within the CSV file.
  • To append values to an existing list rather than replacing them, the field code for the desired field should be entered into the List Append field the Bulk Update - Import section in the Bulk Import Project. If specified, the automation will first retain the existing values before appending the new values provided in the CSV import file.

Saving the CSV File

Once the file is composed correctly and contains the necessary data, save the file as a Comma Separated Values. The file extension must be .csv.

Microsoft Excel

  1. Click File, and then Save As.

  2. Select the option Computer where the file will be saved, then select one of the Recent Folders or click Browse to navigate to the directory where the file will be stored.

  3. Enter the File name, click the arrow in the Save as type box, select the file format CSV (comma delimited) (*.csv), and then click Save.
    NOTE: The following formats should NOT be used as they may cause errors in the import:

    • CSV UTF-8 (Comma delimited) (*.csv)

    • CSV (Macintosh) (*.csv)

    • CSV (MS-DOS) (*.csv)

Google Sheets

  1. Click File, and then Download.

  2. Select the option Comma Separated Values (.csv).


Have Questions or Issues?

If you have any questions or you are experiencing issues with accessing or using Neodeluxe Bulk Updater, please contact our Product Support Team:

Our Product Support Team is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST.

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