Setup: Add to Calendar Automation - Add Support for Reminders to Existing Setup

  • Updated

Follow the instructions below to create a new Reminder Support for deadlines.

1. Navigate to the Advanced > Customs Editor option, then select your Vinebots Project Type, locate the Add to Calendar section, and click to expand its details.

In the Custom Fields/Widgets section, click Add Field/Widget to create a new field. 

  • This field must be named Create as Reminder.
  • This field should be positioned near the top of the Custom Fields/Widgets view.

In the Create New Field Template window, specify the options to configure the new field as follows, and then click Create.

  • Create Custom: Select the Field option.
  • Field Type: Select the field type Yes/No.
  • Field Prompt: Ensure that the Field Prompt is entered exactly as follows: Create as Reminder to obtain the correct field selector. Otherwise, this setup will not function properly.
  • Field Selector: This field is automatically completed, and it is created based on the entered Field Prompt. The generated value must be createAsReminder. Otherwise, this setup will not function properly.

Place the Create as Reminder field near the top of the Custom Fields/Widgets view by clicking the arrow icon next to the elements in the list to order it.

Edit the visibility in the indicated fields below (no longer needed since not supported for a Reminder) by selecting each of them in the Custom Fields/Widgets list, then click Advanced, next adjust the Visibility section fields as follows: Hide, When “Create as Reminder”, Equals, and Yes, and then click the Updated button.

NOTE: The fields that should be modified are:

  • Location
  • Time Zone
  • Start Time
  • End Time Type
  • Attendee Fields

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