Creating Flows, Automated Messages, and Tasks

  • Updated

Follow the steps outlined in this article to create an automated Flow in the Neodeluxe Client Portal. For more information about how Flows work, please visit About Flows: Overview, Permissions, and Interface.

Creating a Flow Setup

1. Open Neodeluxe, and from the side navigation menu, select Flows to access the Flow Management Admin page, where you can view existing flows and general information about them.

NOTE: The navigation menu may differ depending on your permissions and the Neodeluxe products your organization uses (e.g., Data Governance is a separate Neodeluxe products).

2. Click the + Create Flow button.

Fill out the Flow Details: 

  • Name: The internal name of the flow (not visible to end users)
  • Data Sources*: Choose the data sources for defining entry and exit criteria: Filevine and/or Neodeluxe (fka Vineportal). 
  • Project Type*: Select the project template to apply this flow. This Project Type will also supply the variables for the criteria.
  • Description: Provide a description of the flow for internal reference.
  • Is Active*: Enabled by default (can deactivate later if needed).

4. In the Notifications section, toggle specific notifications to create an activity note in Filevine including:

  • Project enters the flow
  • Message has been sent
  • All tasks have been assigned
  • Project exits the flow
  • All tasks have been completed

Configure the Flow’s Entry Criteria and Exit Criteria section by following the steps below:

Setting Flow Entry and Exit Criteria

You’ll need to define the conditions that decide when a project enters and exits the flow. 

Entry Criteria

Entry criteria determines when a project is automatically enrolled in a flow. To set the entry criteria:

1. Select the Data Source* from which the entry conditions will be evaluated: Neodeluxe or Filevine

2. Choose the Variable* you want to watch.

3. Select an Operator* for the condition, including: 

  • Equals
  • Not Equal To
  • Is Empty
  • Is Not Empty
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or equal to
  • Does not contain

NOTE: The type of operator available depends on the variable you select. For example, if you’re using a date field, options like “Less than” or “Greater than” will be available.

4. Input the Value* that will be compared against the selected variable. Depending on the selected Variable and Operator, a Value might not be required. For example, if the Operator Is Empty, no Value is needed.

5. If more than one condition is needed, click +Add Condition to create additional conditions within the same criterion. Each criterion may consist of multiple conditions combined with AND logic (i.e., all conditions must be satisfied by the project).

NOTE: Ensure the logic for criteria combinations is correctly implemented. For instance, if two mutually exclusive conditions are defined—such as “Initial Date > 2023” AND “Initial Date < 2022”—no projects will be added to the Flow, as no project can meet both conditions simultaneously.

To create separate criteria with OR logic (i.e., any of the criteria can be satisfied), click Add Criterion.

Example: If the flow should enroll new Personal Injury projects when the case type is Motor Vehicle Accident, the entry criteria might look like this:

  • Data Source: Neodeluxe
  • Variable: Project Phase
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: File Setup


  • Data Source: Filevine
  • Variable: Intake - Case Type 
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Motor Vehicle Accident

Exit Criteria

Exit Criteria determine when a project unenrolls from a flow. Setting exit criteria follows the same steps as entry criteria outlined above.

Example: If the project should exit a flow when all user tasks are completed, the exit criterion could look like this:

  • Data Source: Neodeluxe
  • Variable: All Project Tasks Completed
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Yes

Important Notes on Entry & Exit Criteria

AND vs. OR Logic

  • Conditions within a criterion are evaluated with AND logic, which means all must be true (Condition 1 AND Condition 2… AND Condition N).
  • Separate criteria are evaluated with OR logic, meaning any one criterion being true will trigger entry/exit (e.g., Criterion 1 OR Criterion 2… OR Criterion N)

Removing Criteria

You can remove a criterion by clicking the trash icon, but Entry and Exit sections must have at least one criterion.


Neodeluxe uses variables within a data source for each tenant (Data Source Schema). These variables contain real-time values. When any of these variables change or are influenced by an event—such as the completion of a task or a synchronization process—these modifications will be reflected in the corresponding flows.

If the selected Variable* is a dropdown type field, the possible values for selection are the corresponding field options. When your dropdown values are not properly displayed in the Value* field, please visit this link to enable the dropdown options.

Flow Criteria Restrictions

Date Field Types are supported. It appears as two options in the Criterion:

  • Absolute Date
  • Relative Date

The following field types are not supported when the Flow Entry and Exit Criteria are configured:

  • Project Link
  • Project Link List
  • URL
  • URL List
  • Person
  • Person List
  • File Attachment
  • Multiple File Attachment (List)
  • Deadline (With reminders)
  • Text - Single line list
  • Text - Multiple lines
  • Text - Multiple lines (Large)

Saving the Flow Setup

1. When the Flow Entry and Exit Criteria are set, click Save.

2. A message displaying Flow Created Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

NOTE: The flow will be listed as a Draft and will not generate any messages or tasks yet. A flow cannot be switched to Live status if it:

  • Does not have active messages,
  • Does not have all its messages properly chained in a sequence, or
  • Does not have active tasks.

Example Flow Setup

In this case, the Flow will be active in Filevine projects with the Project Type template: “Immigration (2)”.

Entry Criteria: 

  • Data Source: Filevine
  • Variable: US Case Tracker - Documents Received
  • Operator: Is Empty

If none of the checklist options have been selected in this field, the project will enroll in the flow.

Exit Criteria: 

  • Data Source: Filevine
  • Variable: US Case Tracker - Documents Received
  • Operator: Equals
  • Value: Passport, I-94 Record, Degree Certificate, Experience Letters, Transcripts, Resume, and All prior I-797 Approval Notices

Once all the required documents are marked as received, the project exits the flow.

Creating a Flow Message


  • Users can expect to receive messages at specific intervals for a certain duration of time during the project.
  • However, if the project meets the exit criteria, users will not receive any further messages unless the project re-enters the flow.

1. Click on the Flow you are creating a message for and navigate to the Messages tab.

2. Click the +Create Message button.

3. Enter the message details:

  • Message Name: Enter the name for the message (This is only for internal reference, message recipients do not see this name).
  • Is Active*: Set to Yes by default. After the message is created, this field can be changed to deactivate the message.
  • Send Immediately: Toggle this switch to send the message immediately, or alternatively,
  • Time to Send: Schedule a message delivery at an exact time.
  • Recipient Role(s): Choose the recipient roles that will be receiving the message.
    • Available roles may vary based on your firm’s configuration of Neodeluxe roles.
    • Selected roles include all users who have been assigned one or more roles.
    • If no role is selected, the default role will automatically receive the message.

4. In the Link Task section, select the Task(s) from the dropdown to associate with the message or create new tasks by clicking + Create New Task. For more information on creating a task, please see the section below, Creating Flow Tasks.

NOTE: When a flow does not have any associated tasks, the Tasks List dropdown will be empty. You must first create tasks to link them in messages.

5. In the Previous Message section, you can set a preceding message (if applicable) to define the delivery sequence and time between messages. Complete the following fields:

  • Previous Message: Select one preceding message from the dropdown. 
  • Time Period: Enter a positive integer number upper than 0.
  • Unit of Measure: Select Day(s) or Week(s) to establish a unit of measure.

NOTE: If there are no messages available, the Previous Message dropdown will be disabled. 

6. Copy the variables from the Available Variables section to personalize your message using Filevine Project data. This allows to iInclude variables from up to three static sections including:

  • Client contact information
  • Recipient roles contact information
  • Static section fields
  • Project level attributes.

To include the variables, follow the steps:

  1. First, select the project section from the Variables From dropdown. Then, choose a specific variable from the Variables dropdown. This variable will automatically be copied to your clipboard.

  2.  Paste it in the subject line or message body fields to customize your message.

    NOTE: Variables enable you to display specific project data for tailored messages. You can select up to three sections for static section fields.

    Example: Selecting Project Attributes and Project Name will copy the variable to your clipboard enclosed within double curly braces {{}} as follows: “{{projectInfo.projectName}}”.

  3. Paste the variable into your subject line or message: e.g.: “We are currently working on your project: {{projectInfo.projectName}}”. 

  4. The message received will show the corresponding project name.

7. Select the desired message delivery method. The available options are Email, In-App Notification, and SMS.


The message will be delivered as a standard email. Enter the Email Subject and write the body of the email with the corresponding message.

  • Email Greeting: The email body will automatically include a greeting: "Dear {{Recipient Name}}".
  • Message Attachments: Users can optionally attach files by clicking the Clip icon in the toolbar, then either drag and dropping the files into the attachment window, or clicking the icon to browse and select the desired files. Click the Attach button.
    • The total file size for all attachments must not exceed 20 MB.
    • Supported file formats include:
      • Documents: pdf, doc, docx, txt, xlsx, ppt, pptx
      • Images: jpg, jpeg, png
      • Audio/Video: wav, mp3, mp4

In-App Notification

The message will be sent as an encrypted notification within Neodeluxe Client Portal.

There are different types of in-app notifications. Currently, there is no difference between them (In the way that they are received or show in Neodeluxe Client Portal); however, this is the suggested use for each one of them:

Alarm Indicates missing information is needed.
Change or News For important updates, such as changes in the law.
Informational General communication.
New Data Alerts when a project detail has changed.
Reminder Reminds users of tasks nearing expiration.



Send a text message to users who have SMS as their preferred communication method and have accurate phone information. They will be able to receive SMS messages. The message cannot be longer than 150 characters.

NOTE: SMS Messaging is an Add-On option to the Neodeluxe Portal and requires additional configuration to be set up as a delivery method. Please contact sales for more information.

8. Save the message by clicking on the Save button. Admins can add as many messages as needed and chain it according to the flow resolution.

9. A notification displaying Message Created will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Important Notes for Creating Flow Messages

  • The created message is listed as a Draft, and can be edited by clicking its name in the Flow’s Messages grid.
  • The Is Active* field is set to Yes by default. 
    • When a message is set as Active, it will be sent as configured by the Admin.
    • When a message is set as Inactive, the message won't be sent in future occasions. An inactive message can be turned active at any time.
  • The message will not be triggered when a project is enrolled in a Flow while the message is Inactive.
  • When a chained message is created, the Executed After column will indicate the time at which this message will be delivered following the previous message, while the Time to Send column specifies the hour at which the message will be sent.

Testing a Flow Message

Admins can test messages sent via email before the flow is set to Live by following the steps below:

1. Locate the message in the grid and click the Test Communication (paper plane icon) in the Actions column.


2. In the reminder pop-up, click OK to start the test. 

NOTE: Variables enclosed in double curly braces {{}} will not display any values during testing.

The message Test Communication Successfully Sent will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

3. Access the email account associated with your Admin User to review the test message for any errors or necessary adjustments.

NOTE: The message test is currently only available for email messages. SMS and in-app notification tests are not supported at this time.

Creating a Flow Task

Neodeluxe Client Portal Flows allow you to assign tasks to users in order to easily collect data by filling out forms or uploading documents. Follow the steps below to create and manage tasks within a flow.

NOTE: When a task is linked to a message, it will be sent when the message is sent. However, if a task is not linked to any message:

  • The Linked to column value for the task will be Default.
  • The task will be sent when the project is enrolled into the flow.

1. Click on the Flow you are creating a task for, and go to the Tasks tab for access to the flow task management interface.

2. Click the +Create Task button.


3. Enter the new task details:

  • Task Name: Enter a name for the task. This will be the name of the task that the recipient sees.
  • Is Active*: Set to Yes by default. After the task is created, this field can be changed to deactivate the task.
  • Task Type: Select the task type:

Document Tasks

A document task prompts the user to upload a document. When selecting a Document Task Type, the Document Specifics section will appear, where admins can configure supported document types and map specific Filevine folders for document storage based on user roles.

  • Supported Document Formats: Click the chevron icon next to Supported Documents to choose from the available file formats. To remove a format, click the x next to the selected item.
    • The maximum size allowed for upload is 500MB.
    • The default supported documents are DOC, DOCX, PDF, JPG, PNG, XLSX, PPT, PPTX, TXT, XML, and ZIP.
  • Configure the Filevine Folder: Admins can map uploaded task documents to specific Filevine folders based on roles. If no configuration is set up, documents will default to the project's root folder in Filevine. 


Steps to Configure Filevine Folder Mapping

    1. Click +Add Configuration.
    2. Enter the Project ID* from the Flow's Project Type to ensure it aligns with the folder structure for that Project Type. 
    3. In the Roles* field, select the roles to specify for which roles the documents will be stored in the designated Filevine folder.
    4. Select the Filevine Folder* within the Filevine project's root folder where the documents will be stored.
      NOTE: If the selected Filevine folder is later modified, the Neodeluxe configuration must also be updated to reflect this change.
    5. To finish the folder setup click the Save icon. Use the Edit or Delete icons to make changes or remove the configuration as needed.

Example: In case with “Client” and “Medical Provider” roles:

  • Documents uploaded by the Client are stored in Folder A.
  • Documents uploaded by the Medical Provider are stored in Folder B.

NOTE: All files are stored in Filevine—Neodeluxe does not retain any files uploaded by users to safeguard user privacy. Only Filevine users associated with the case will have access to the files uploaded by the users.

Form Tasks

A form task will prompt users to fill out a form. Admins can either create a new form or select an existing one from the dropdown.

    • NOTE: If you want to visualize the form structure before selecting one of the available forms within the Flow Task, access the Admin menu, then select the Neodeluxe Portal option and click the Portal Forms. Forms with the same Project Type for the Flow and Form Type: Task will be the available forms in the dropdown when the task is created. Click the name of any of them to view or edit the form.

Screenshot 2024-11-11 at 1.42.50 PM.png

  • Recipient Role(s): Select the role(s) of users who will receive the task.
    • Available roles may vary based on the firm’s configuration of Neodeluxe Roles.
    • Selected roles include all users who have been assigned one or more specific roles.
    • If no role is selected, the default role will automatically receive the message.
  • Set as Optional: Use the toggle to make the task optional. When a task is marked as optional, the user can choose "Does Not Apply" and will not be required to complete the task.

4. Enter the following information:

  • Portal Task Due Date: This is the visible due date within Neodeluxe Portal that users will have to complete the task. These fields are mandatory.
  • Filevine Task Due Date: This is the visible due date assigned within Filevine. These fields are optional; when not indicated, automatically will take the field values assigned for the Neodeluxe Task Due Date.
  • Time Period: Whole number of days or weeks.
  • Unit of Measure: Days or Weeks.

5. Save the task by clicking on the Save button. Admins can add as many tasks as needed and chain it according to the flow resolution.

6. A notification displaying Task Created will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Important Considerations for Flow Tasks

  • The created task will be saved in the task grid and can be edited by clicking its name in the grid.
  • When a task is linked to a message, it will be sent when the message is sent and the Linked to column value will be the message name.
  • When a task is not linked:
    • The Linked To for the corresponding task is set to Default.
    • The task will be sent immediately when the project is enrolled into the Flow.
  • The Is Active* field is set to Yes by default. Tasks can be active or inactive.
    • When a task is set as Active, it will be sent as configured by the Admin.
    • When a task is set as Inactive, the task won't be sent on future occasions. An inactive task can be turned active at any time.
  • The message will not be triggered when a project is enrolled into the flow while the message is in Draft status or Inactive.
  • The message tab contains the grid of created messages along with their sequences.

Go Live/Publish a Flow

A Live Flow will actively be evaluating projects, and validating when the specified criteria are met for project enrollment. Before a Flow is set to Live, its status remains Draft.

When you are ready to publish a Flow, please follow these steps:

1. Find the corresponding flow with Draft status, and click the Go Live icon in the Actions column.


  • Once the Flow is Live, you will no longer be able to modify the criteria of the flow.
  • Once the Flow is Live, you can create new Messages and Tasks.
  • A flow can Go Live when:
    • The flow doesn't have any messages, but it has - at least- one active task.
    • The flow has a single active message.
    • The flow has multiple messages, and all active ones are properly chained.
  • When the flow does not meet the requirements, a message will appear indicating the conditions necessary to proceed with this action.

2. Click the Go Live! button to confirm the action.

The message Flow Updated Successfully will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.


Have Questions or Issues?

If you have any questions or you are experiencing issues with accessing or using Neodeluxe Client Portal Flows, please contact our Product Support Team:

Our Product Support Team is available Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM CST.

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