Setup: Auto Case Number

  • Updated

About Auto Case Number Automation

Auto Case Number automation aims to create a default pattern for pre-populating the case number field when a new project is created.

Configure Auto Case Number (Admin Users)

Go to the Auto Case Number section in your configuration project; there, you will find the following fields that should be filled in to set up the default pattern for the case number field, as follows:  

Reference Fields

Active: The Active field should be set according to whether the Auto Case Number automation should be active.

  • If you set it to "Yes,” you will need to confirm the activation of the automation.
  • If you set it to "No" or "Unknown," the bot won’t be triggered, so the automation for the code generation will be inactive.

If you selected "Yes" in the Active option menu, complete the following field:

Are you sure to activate the automation?: This field should be set to confirm the activation of the automation since, once activated, the bot cannot be deactivated without disrupting the incremental value and automation.

  • If you set it to "Yes,” the bot will be active to generate a default code pattern and fill the Case Number field when a new project is created.
  • If you set it to "No" or "Unknown," the bot won’t be triggered, even if the Active field is set to yes. 

Description: Use this field to include additional information about the item. The content of this field will remain as internal notes and will not be used for the bot.

Code Setup

Increment Key: An increment key is a unique identifier the bot will use to determine how the value in the Case Number code will be incremented. This allows the bot to generate unique codes for each new entry.

The following are possible keys that you can use:

  • orgId: If you use this key, the Increment Label will increase at the organization level. That means each time a project is created in the organization, the increasing value will go up. 
  • year: If you use this key, the Increment Label will increase yearly. That means each time a project is created in the organization in the current year, the value will increment. However, each time the year changes, the number to increment will be reset to the starting number. 
  • clientId: If you use this key, the Increment Label will increase at the client level. That means it will go up for each client whenever a project for that specific client is created.
  • projectTypeId: If you use this key, the Increment Label will increase at the project template level. That means it will increment for each project template whenever a project using that specific template is created.

If you want to combine multiple keys, you can use a dot to separate them. The following are the possible and available combinations:

  • year.clientId
  • year.projectTypeId
  • clientId.projectTypeId
  • year.clientId.projectTypeId

Consider that the choice of increment key will depend on your specific requirements. For instance, if you plan to generate unique codes that increase every time a certain project template is utilized for a particular client in the current year when a project is created, but you also want the Increment Label reset to the starting number every time the year changes, then you should use the following increment key: year.clientId.projectTypeId.

Starting Number per Key: Enter a number in the field, which the bot should recognize as the initial value for the incremental value to generate the codes. Please note that negative values are not accepted.

Naming Pattern: Please input the pattern you want the bot to use in generating the project code. You may include labels and fixed values to customize the code according to your specifications.

Labels: The bot will replace labels enclosed in square brackets with corresponding values. Here are the available labels:

1. Date Labels:

[yyyy]: Replaced with the current year in "yyyy" format.

[yy]: Replaced with the current year in "yy" format.

[mm]: Replaced with the current month in "mm" format.

[dd]: Replaced with the current day in "dd" format.

2. Client Name Labels:

[orgId]: Replaced with the organization ID of the project.

[clientId]: Replaced with the client ID of the client's project.

[projectTypeId]: Replaced with the project type ID of the project.

[First], [Last], [Middle]: Replaced with the respective name of the client's project.

The labels for First, Middle, and Last have some additional features.  The case used in your label will be reflected in the output. Additionally, a number placed at the end after a colon will indicate the maximum number of characters to include. So if the client name is John Palmer Smith,  [first:2][Middle:2][LAST] would output as joPaSMITH.

3. Increment Label:

[00000]: Replaced with an increasing value. The number of zeros determines the minimum length of the value.

Labels Example: If you want the code to include the current year, organization ID, project type ID, and the first three letters of the client's first name in uppercase, your pattern should be: [yyyy]-[orgId]-[projectTypeId]-[FIRST:3].

Append to Project Name: The Append to Project Name field should be set according to whether the Project Name of the project should be changed or not.

  • If you set it to "Yes,” the bot will append the Case Number field built for it to the Project Name of the created project wrapped in ( ).
  • If you set it to "No" or "Unknown," the bot won’t change the Project Nam of the created project.

Disable Setup

The following field will only appear if you have activated the bot at some point. That is when the "Active" and "Are you sure to activate the automation?" fields have been set to "Yes":

This field will be the only option to disable the bot completely. This restriction is in place to ensure the stability and reliability of the automation process once it has been set into motion. 

If you need to inactivate and restart the bot, you will have to enter (without copying and pasting) “DELETE ACTIVE CONFIGURATION” in the Delete Active Configuration field. Otherwise, the bot will remain active with the previous configuration even if you set the "Active" and "Are you sure to activate the automation? " fields to "No." 

Performing this action will reset the automation's incremented memory and prevent the automation from running on future projects.  In general, the only time to use this would be if the bot was running for test purposes, and that testing data should be cleared so that it can run for real.

If you need help, please get in touch with our support team.

How to Use Auto Case Number in a Project (Users)

The bot takes over from there once the initial setup has been completed. It will monitor the projects created to create the unique code according to the customized pattern. So, after setting up, it is only necessary to watch the Activity section, where the automation will begin adding warning or error notes if something unusual happens.

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