Neodeluxe Client Portal Features Catalog

  • Updated

The Neodeluxe Client Portal (formerly known as Vineportal) is a communication portal for Filevine used by law firms, clients, referring attorneys and more with tools for messaging, collecting information and documents, and sharing case details. Below, you’ll find a list of the Neodeluxe Client Portal's standard and premium features along with a high-level description of each feature.

Standard Client Portal Features

A Standard Neodeluxe Client Portal plan is free and offers a collection of the platform's standard features.

Desktop View
Use the portal via desktop.
Mobile View
Use the portal on mobile devices.
Admin Drawer
Streamline navigation for admin tools.
Light Mode View
The light theme displays a light background with dark text.
Dark Mode View
The dark theme displays a dark background with light text.
Project Team
Display contact cards for the legal team assigned to the case.
Phase Categories
Integrate Filevine project phases and customize display names.
Project Status Bar
Display the status of the project in real time using the customized phase categories. Choose to display project status via progress steps or a progress bar.
Project Details
Provides centralized project information in one section.
Project Details: Filevine Sections
Map fields from both Static and Collections Sections in Filevine using the Field Sync Vinebot.
Project Details: Customization
Customize which fields are displayed from Filevine.
Project Details: Subheaders
Show customized subheaders inside project details.
Customize information available to users based on their assigned roles.
Project Type Class
Further customize information displayed based on Project or Case type.
External Portal Roles
Customizable roles that determine the role of a specific user for a Portal Project. External Portal Roles are used to determine the view, recipients for messages or tasks, and more.
Internal Portal Roles
Roles for the general accessibility of Portal that determine permissions for your Internal Staff. Roles include Admins, Portal Users, and Project Form.
Filevine Report Roles
Custom roles that determine the role of a specific user for a Filevine project, so a user can have different roles per project. Filevine Report Roles are used to determine the view, recipients for messages or tasks, and more.
Document(s) Upload
Users can securely submit documents to the Client Portal that will go directly into Filevine Documents Section and be stored in the Project Level folder.
Request Update/Information Change
Users can submit requests to update information, which will generate a task in Filevine assigned to a specific user.
Company Details
Edit basic company contact information or set branding including contact information, address, and logos.
Company Details: Logos
Upload a custom logo to be used on the login screen, in communications, and the top left corner of the portal.
Auto Invite to the Portal
Using multiple Filevine reports, automatically mass invite users to the portal.
Admin Support Dashboard
View project metrics from a centralized hub.
Admin Support Dashboard: Metrics
Access metrics including Total Projects, Total Active Projects, Total Users, and Total Active Users.
Admin Support Dashboard: Project Details
Conveniently view project details including Project ID, phase, creation date, last update, active status, and expiration date.

Guided Feature Tour for Users
Provide users with an interactive, step-by-step walkthrough of the portal's key features and functionalities to help users understand how to use the platform.

Premium Neodeluxe Client Portal Features

The premium plan offers premium features to extend it's functionality and help manage cases with better communication and collaboration. Please contact Neostella sales for pricing. Premium plans include all of the standard features, plus:

Mass Communications: Emails
Send mass emails to users based on Filevine Report ID.

Mass Communications: In-App Notifications
Send in-app notifications to users based on Filevine Report ID.
Mass Communications: Email Statistics
View communication statistics including sent, delivered, opened, bounced, dropped, and spam.
Mass Communications: Statistics CSV
Download communication statistics in a CSV file.
Customize and automatically send portal users messages and assign tasks based on Filevine and/or Client Portal criteria.
Flows: Messaging
Automatically send sequential emails, SMS* or in-app notifications based on set criteria.
Flows: Custom Variables
Personalize automated messages with specific case details in the body copy of flow messages.
Flow Statistics
View statistics for projects in flows, tasks, and automated messages. 
Flows: Tasks
Create and send tasks to users via flows to add or update case information.
Tasks: Document Upload
Assign tasks for portal users to upload documents.
Tasks: Form Request
Assign tasks for portal users to add or update information via forms.
Filevine Task Due Date
Customize the due date of the created Filevine task once a user task has been completed.
Form Builder
Create and customize forms using Filevine sections and fields in a drag-and-drop builder.
Flow Forms
Create forms to automatically send to specified portal users when a flow meets entry criteria so users can add or update information.
Forms: Conditional Fields
Customize field visibility based on the value of other fields.
Forms: Description Fields
Give insight or instructions for a field's purpose with up to 1500 characters. Description fields do not map to Filevine.
Forms: Mandatory Fields
Set field as mandatory to require information before submission.
Forms: View Only Fields
Show information to users, but don't allow for input.
Forms: Text List Fields
Use single line text list fields to request information in forms.
Forms: Project Details Fields
Use in forms to request project information from users.
Static Forms
Create forms independent from a specific task or flow. Users can update information at any time via static forms.
SMS Login
Log into the Neodeluxe Client Portal using the mobile number on file.

SSO Login
Firms using an account manager with SAML can connect to the portal for SSO login.

Contact Cards: Templates Builder
Use the contact card drag-and-drop builder to design templates for editing contact card details.
Contact Cards: Form Fields
Add contact card fields to both project forms and task forms to request contact card updates from users.
Documents List
Users can view all the documents they have uploaded, and the associated file information via the Documents List tab in Projects.
Filevine Activity Notes
Generate an activity note in Filevine when a user uploads a document, a collection item is created, a contact card is added, edited, or deleted, or when flow activity occurs (project enters/exits flow, tasks are assigned/completed, automated messages are sent).
Create Project via Data Stream
Automatically create projects in the portal as soon as they're created in Filevine OR based on a conditional field in Filevine.
Share Documents via Filevine Folders
Select a folder in Filevine to share documents with specific roles in a specific project, where those roles can access the documents from their Portal documents tab.

Add-on Features

Enhance the Neodeluxe Client Portal's capabilities with add-on features. Please contact Neostella sales for pricing.

Project Forms
Submit project information to Filevine using forms. Compatible with all form builder capabilities listed above. 
SMS Communications
Send text messages in mass communications and flows.

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