Scan to Project Automation Description
The Scan to Project automation is a helpful tool that allows you to easily and securely scan documents of any size directly to your Filevine projects. With user-defined preferences and customizable options, this bot streamlines the process of organizing and storing your scanned files within the Filevine application.
- For the security of your documents, your scanner must support Secure FTP (SFTP). SSH Key authorization is preferred; however, username/password authentication is also supported.
- The scanner must be connected to the internet.
- The users printing the cover pages need to have access to all projects in Filevine.
Initial Setup (Neostella Team)
- SFTP User Setup: The Neostella team will create your user account and provide the URL and credentials.
- Button Setup: The Neostella team will set up a link button to generate the cover page that will be used to define the start point of a document when scanning files.
- Alt Button Setup: Alternatively, using the Advanced Links automation to generate your own link will allow you to append more data to the cover page than what is supported natively with Filevine's link button.
Config Project (Admin Users)
Go to the Scan to Project section in your configuration project; there you will find a form section with the following fields that should be filled in, as follows:
Post Scans to Activity
Set the Post Scans to Activity field according to your preferences:
- If you set it to "Yes": the bot will post the scanned document(s)as attachments in the Activity section in your project.
- If you set it to "No" or "Unknown": the bot will only save the scanned document(s) in a folder, but they won’t be posted in the Activity section.
**If you selected "Yes" you have the option to fill out the following field:
**Note Body: Use this field to customize the message appearing in the Activity section with the attached scanned document(s), considering that you can use field codes or tag people. The content of the field will be appended to the following default message that will always appear:
Document processed: {Document Name}
Cover Page Image: Select or upload an image for the cover page. The image will be placed in the following space on the cover page:
Subfolder: To enable users to save scanned documents in specific subfolders, add a dropdown option for each subfolder and make sure to input the subfolder name exactly as it appears in the project template's Customs Editor. For more information about Folders and Subfolders in the Customs Editor, please visit the Folders section on the Customs Editor page.
Consider these options will allow the users to select the “Folder” to save their scanned file(s) on the cover page that is generated. If no subfolders are added, the bot will save the scanned file(s) in the root folder. However, if only one option is added, all the scanned file(s) will be saved there.
Split Files: Set the Split Files field according to your preferences:
- If you set it to "Yes": the bot will go through all of the pages of the file received and look for additional cover pages to split documents.
If you set it to "No" or "Unknown": the bot won’t split the file received and will take it as just one document.
- Use this option if your scanner has the ability to separate documents in a batch scan.
Exception Email Addresses: Add an item for each email address you want to notify if there is any error with the files received, the cover page, the reading of a QR code, etc.
Consider that the notification setup is done with Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS), so the email address(es) in this field are subscribed to that service that will be in charge of sending an email when there is an exception.
How to Use the Automation in a Project (Users)
- To start using the Scan to Project automation, the first step will be to generate the cover page(s) that will be used to define the start point of a document when scanning the files.
For this, you will have two ways of generating the link to the cover page(s):- Click the link button set up by the Neostella team.
- Click a URL field setup for this purpose using Advanced Links.
- Modify the editable fields such as Date Received and Folder.
- Print the cover page. Keep in mind that you can print multiple cover pages with different information to ensure that documents are stored according to your preferences. Ensure the page printed clearly as the QR code will need to be machine readable in order to be processed.
- Scan the files. Considering that if the Split Files field in the configuration project is set to "Yes," you will be able to use the cover page(s) to indicate to the bot how to divide a file into separate documents by scanning the cover page before starting with each document.
- Once scanned, the bot will start processing the document(s) and updating them in your Filevine project according to the preferences set in the configuration project of the Scan to Project automation. Processing time will be based on a variety of factors such as the size of the file, whether or not the file is being split and the internet bandwidth of the scanning location. Typically, scans of just a few pages should arrive in the project within a minute.
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