Setup: Add Person to Team Automation

  • Updated

Add Person to Team Automation Description

The Add Person to Team Bot is designed to streamline the process of assigning one or more person fields (such as Primary Attorney) to a preconfigured team level and org role for the current project.

Start using it to add or update project team members from your Staff Assignments in Case Summary with just one click.

Initial Considerations Before Setting Up Add to Team Bot

  • The source fields should be in the same section as the task flow button.
  • You will need to enter selector(s) and field code(s) to point to button(s) that will trigger the bot and/or field(s) containing data the bot will use. For more information on extracting selectors and field codes, please visit the How to get selectors and field codes? page.

Config Project

Go to the Add Person to Team section in your configuration project; you will need to click on the Add an Item button each time you want to add a button to assign a person to a team.


Once you have clicked the Add an Item button, the following section should appear to create an item that should be filled in for the bot to start assigning a person to a team as follows: 

Button Selector: Before completing the Button Selector field, there are some essential factors to consider:

  • You must have previously created a Taskflow Trigger Button in the section where you want the bot to extract information to assign a person to a team. To learn more about creating a Taskflow Trigger Button, please visit the Widget Types page.
  • No need to create or assign a task flow to the Taskflow Trigger Button, but name it something useful, like "Assign Person"

Once you have created the Taskflow Trigger Button, copy its widget selector and paste it into the Button Name field. 

Person Field: Paste the field code for the specific field from which the bot should extract the person to be assigned to the project team.

Level: Choose a permission level for the person who will be added to the project team from the options provided:

  • Follower.
  • Collaborator.
  • Guest.
  • Subscribed.

Project Admin: Set the Project Admin field according to your preferences: 

  • If you set it to "Yes," the bot will assign Admin permissions to the person assigned to the project team.
  • If you set it to "No" or "Unknown," the bot won’t assign Admin permissions to the person assigned to the project team.

Org Role Name: Type the exact organization role name (not the selector) that matches one in Advanced > Roles Setup. For example, two common values are Primary Attorney and Primary Paralegal.

Consider that once you start entering data in the Org Role Name field, the following field will appear: 

Role Update Method: In Filevine, you can assign each role to either one person or multiple people, with the option of designating someone as the First assignee. Select from the following options how you want the bot to handle the role assignment: 

  • Add to List: The bot will include the person in the role list.
  • Set as First: The bot will include the person to the role list and assign it as first.
  • Set as Only: The bot will remove all the assignees from the role list and assign the person as only.

Consider that if you selected the Set as Only option, the following field will appear:


If replaced user has no other role in project: Select from the following options how you want the bot to handle user(s) that will be removed from the role list and don’t have another role in the project:

  • Remove from Project: The bot will remove the person from the project.
  • Leave in Project with No Role: The bot will leave the person in the project without a role. 

Once finished, click the Create button, and it will be ready to use. Remember, whenever you need to use the bot, you just have to click on the button previously created in the project.

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