Setup: Get Weather Automation

  • Updated

About Get Weather Automation

The Get Weather automation downloads a weather report from the visual crossing page and uploads it to a desired project section.

Config Project

Go to the Get Weather Button section in your configuration project; there, you will find the following fields that should be filled in to set up how the report will be downloaded and where it should be uploaded, as follows: 

 Button Selector: Before completing the Button Selector field, there are some essential factors to consider:

  • You must have previously created a Taskflow Trigger Button in the section where you want the bot to upload the weather report. To learn more about creating a Taskflow Trigger Button, please visit the Widget Types page.
  • No need to create or assign a task-flow to the Taskflow Trigger Button, but name it something useful, like "Weather Report."

Once you have created the Taskflow Trigger Button, copy its widget selector and paste it into the Button Selector field. For more information on extracting selectors and field codes, please visit the How to get selectors and field codes? page. 

Incident Date Field code: Paste the field code of the field where the bot should extract the date from which the report should be. For more information on extracting selectors and field codes, please visit the How to get selectors and field codes? page. 

Incident Location Field code: Paste the field code of the field where the bot should extract the location from which the report should be. For more information on extracting selectors and field codes, please visit the How to get selectors and field codes? page. 

Units: Choose between us and metric options the unit of measure the weather report should be in.

Result Destination: Choose an option from the list below based on your preference for where the weather report should be updated: 

  • Note on Project Activity: By choosing this option, the weather report will be uploaded to the Activity section of the project.
  • Specific Fields: By choosing this option, the weather report will be uploaded to particular fields in a project section.

If you selected Note on Project Activity, complete the following field if needed:

Note Body: Use this field to customize the message appearing in the Activity section with the attached weather report. Consider that you can use field codes to indicate the location and date of the report.

Note: If you don't type anything in the field, the default message that will appear is: "Attached is the weather report for [location] on [date] from [source]"

If you selected Specific Fields, complete the following fields:

ℹ️ Input and Results fields can be in separate sections, but the 2 Input fields (Incident Date & Incident Location) must be in the same section, and the 2 Result fields (Result Url & Result File) must be in the same section as each other. 

Result Url Field code: Paste the field code of the field where the bot should paste the weather report URL. Note: The field related should be URL field type. For more information on extracting selectors and field codes, please visit the How to get selectors and field codes? page. 

Result File Field code: Paste the field code of the field where the bot should upload the weather report.

Note: The field related should be File Attachment field type. For more information on extracting selectors and field codes, please visit the How to get selectors and field codes? page. 


Once finished, click on the Save button, and it will be ready to be used. Remember, whenever you need to use the bot, you just have to click on the button previously created in the project.

Note: Keep the “Show Instructions” set to Unknown when saving the section. There is small bug that will soon be repaired that produces are error when this is set to either Yes or No.

Bot Messages

Your automation will post Activity Notes to inform you about your setup's success or failure and for execution errors.


Note: “Automation configuration for #ButtonGetIncidentWeather”
Comment: “#Create for form #succeeded”

Execution Error

Note: “'bool' object has no attribute 'rstrip'” means that some data was missing in the execution.

  1. In the setup project
    1. Ensure that you entered the field codes for the intended fields in the setup.
  2. In the project where being run
    1. Ensure that the date and location fields have data
    2. Ensure that the value in the location is a valid location
    3. Ensure the location specific enough to identify a place, unambiguously
      1. A zip/postal code or city & state
      2. A complete address with at least city & state
      3. An intersection with city & state or zip
      4. A latitude, longitude

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