Setup: Dynamic Sections Automation

  • Updated

Dynamic Sections Description

This bot allows for sidebar sections to be shown or hidden depending on the value of a field in a project.


Go to the Global Setting section in your configuration project; there, you will need to add the testProjectId. This automation uses that project Id in order to check for section visibility.

Config Project

Go to the Dynamic Sections section in your configuration project; there, you will need to click on the Add an Item button each time you want to add a new field to be watched. 

Once you have clicked on the Add an Item button, the following section should appear to create an item that should be filled in for the bot to start watching a field:

To begin, make sure to select an option from the Trigger Type drop-down list first as new fields will appear based on your selection.

Trigger Type: Select an option from the drop-down list provided to establish the criteria for which sections will be hidden or shown: 

  • Phase Change: By choosing this option, the sections on the left sidebar will either be hidden or visible depending on the project's phase change.
  • Field Change: By choosing this option, the sections on the left sidebar will either be hidden or visible depending on the change of any field in a form section of the project.

If you selected Phase Change, complete the following field:

Phase Name: Type the exact name of the phase the bot will watch. This will ensure that the relevant sections in the left sidebar will update once the project has been moved to that phase.

If you selected Field Change, complete the following fields:

Field to Watch: Paste the field code of the field the bot should watch so that when it changes to the determined value(s), the relevant sections in the left sidebar will be updated. For more information on extracting selectors and field codes, please visit the How to get selectors and field codes? page.

Values to Watch For: Type the exact value or values the bot will watch. This will ensure that the relevant sections in the left sidebar will update once the Field to Watch has been changed to the value or values detailed in this field.

After completing the fields that appear according to the option selected in the first field, complete the last two fields regardless of the option selected, as follows:

Show or Hide Sections: Choose the appropriate option for what should be done with the entered section(s) in the following field.

Section Selectors: Paste the section selector for the section(s) to be toggled with this bot. Section controlled by this bot must be set to either Initially Hidden (recommended) or Initially Visible. 

Once finished, click on the Create button, and it will be ready to be used. Remember, the bot will be activated according to the type of trigger selected.

Config Project Troubleshooting

Set the testProjectId in Global Settings

If you are getting an error message "Check that the following sections are correct and have their visibility set to “Initially Visible” or “Initially Hidden” in the Customs Editor" but the sections are correctly set, check that you have set an project id in the testProjectId field in the Global Settings.

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